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Sailor Moon

Ok...i LUV sailor moon so this is just a little (cheap) page about her..


Sailor Moon

Meet Serena Tuskino, a fourteen year old student who lives in Crossroads she loves eating, sleeping and..... fighting crime! Serena is also the Champion of justice, sailor moon!



sd-smoon01.gif (28063 bytes)< When Transformed into sailor moon


moon2.jpg (33566 bytes)     < when she's not transformed


Sailor Jupiter

Lita Kino loves cooking and dreams to open up a florist/bakery shop. She is also one of sailor moon's partners in fighting crime.

jupiter02.jpg (43094 bytes) < when she's transformed

Card8.jpg (46570 bytes)    < not transformed


Sailor Mars

Raye Hino- a beautiful priestess with a temper. Her dream is to one day be a sucessful business woman. She's also sailor mars,  sailor moons partner in fighting crime.

mars05.jpg (25906 bytes)<transformed

rayeb.jpg (79951 bytes)<not transformed (REALLY bad pic, sorry)

Sailor Mercury

Amy Anderson. The brain of the group. Her dream is to become a doctor. She really helps the group as Sailor Mercury!


mercury07.jpg (26039 bytes)<transformed

amiswim.jpg (29540 bytes)<untransformed

Sailor Venus

Mina Aino. She wants to be a star, and she's well on her way. She used to be Sailor V, but now she's Sailor Venus!

venus05.jpg (25253 bytes) <transformed

minakobike.gif (56036 bytes)<untransformed

cmina6.jpg (18056 bytes) <transformed as sailor V


There are SO many more things about Sailor Moon i haven't even said about Sailor Moon (like i said it's a cheap page) it's SO interesting!  Here's some sites that I suggest:

sailor moon . org

bubbles sailor moon

sorry, more later, but they have a really good list of links!

Sailor moon the tv show is on at 4;30 est on cartoonnetwork.







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